Community Programmes
Creative participation programmes for wellbeing, community building and exploring community issues. Arts Creative can assist groups complete applications for art project funding at no extra cost.
It has been demonstrated that participating in arts activities can have a positive effect on our mental health and sense of wellbeing. These workshops focus on developing skills using techniques that require no previous art training in a relaxed atmosphere. Participants are amazed at the results and will be keen to learn more. See examples of Wellbeing Workshops. I provide workshops specifically designed for those experiencing stress at work. More details here.
Duration: one to two hour sessions. Can be a one-off taster session or a longer programme over a number of weeks.
Costs : £40.00 per hour (includes prep time). Materials £2.00 per head per session.
Community Building
Getting people together to collaborate on a joint artwork is a great way of building community spirit. These programmes are designed in consultation with the community and are costed according to the duration of engagement. See some examples of Community Building workshops.
Exploring Issues
A three stage programme designed to meet the needs of the community through consultation. A meeting with community representatives will define the general theme of the project.
Duration: At least six weeks with a two hour session each week.
Stage One: Arts Creative will provide skill building workshops to participants from the community over two sessions.
Stage Two: The communities identified theme will be explored and relevant images sourced over one session.
Stage Three: The participants use the skills they have gained to express their feelings about the identified theme over three sessions.
Costs : £40.00 per hour (includes prep time). Materials £2.00 per head per session.
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See examples of Exploring Issues workshops