Workers’ Wellbeing
According to the HSE, the total number of cases of work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2020/21 was 822,000, a prevalence rate of 2,480 per 100,000 workers. In 2020/21 stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 50% of all work-related ill health cases. In 2020/21 stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 50% of all work-related ill health cases.
By top-level industry, stress, depression or anxiety is most prevalent in: Education, Human Health and Social Work activities. The main work factors cited by respondents as causing work-related stress, depression or anxiety were workload pressures, including tight deadlines and too much responsibility and a lack of managerial support.
Wellbeing services are increasingly being offered to workers as a salve for poor management practices or bad working conditions. They are also offered in the hope of increasing production without real concern for the workforce. Fault is being placed on the individual for not coping and their distress is increasingly medicated. 25% of the entire UK population is now being prescribed a psychiatric drug each year.
I know from my work with Action Mental Health that art can provide a way of de-stressing the mind. It can also provide a channel for self-expression through which individuals can gain insight into the those things they find meaningful and explore potential change. All the programmes I offer are skill based and structured to build confidence, prior to exploring personal themes which can then be expressed through the skills gained.
Drawing Programmes
These programmes can be delivered for stress relief or for exploring work-relational issues. They are devised for those with no prior drawing experience. Analytical Drawing allows participants to shift from verbal-reasoning brain activity that dominates our society and allows us to engage in visuospatial brain activity that quiets our thoughts and produces a contemplative state of mind. Exploratory Drawing builds confidence in drawing skills whilst allowing participants to approach feelings about their working conditions in an expressive manner. These programmes require at least 3 sessions of 2hrs but can be more beneficial over a ten session programme. Costs are £70 per session plus a materials fee of £1.00 per participant.
Analytical Drawing
Exploratory Drawing
Painting Programmes
These programmes can also be delivered for stress relief or for exploring work-relational issues. They are devised for those with no prior painting experience. As with the drawing workshops this Colour Theory Programme allows participants to shift from verbal-reasoning brain activity, develop brush control and an understanding of colour harmony. Once confidence has been built participants can use their skills to approach feelings about their working conditions in an expressive manner.
Colour Theory Painting
Expressive use of colour