Primary School - Art Workshops

Creative Arts activities for Primary Schools


Primary Schools


Fun with Flax and Fibonacci

A range of 2D and 3D activities that explore the magical qualities of the Fibonacci Sequence and geometry that underlies the Flax flower and other natural forms. Activities include measuring, ruling, cutting, colouring and constructing. The full programme also explores how sequences of numbers can be transformed into shapes and music, how insects see ultraviolet light and the growing stages of the Flax Plant. See examples here.

Duration: Each Element can be delivered as stand alone 2hr modules or as a six week programme

All materials provided by Arts Creative

Duration: 2hr sessions.

Cost £120.00

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Crystal Construction

Combining art with simple crystal forms this workshop allows pupils to create nets using rulers and graph paper. They then create repeating patterns using coloured pencils. The nets are cut out and assembled. Pupils practice measuring, planning and construction. See examples here.

Duration: 2 hours

All materials provided by Arts Creative

Cost: £120.00

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Damask Prints

Pupils will learn about the history of Damask Weave and Pattern from its origin in China to its use in linen factories within Northern Ireland. the will learn how to create a symmetrical pattern and transfer this to a relief plate. They will then print these onto linen using water based relief inks. See examples here.

Duration: 2 hours

All materials provided by Arts Creative

Cost: £120.00

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